Beat The Odds School Leadership Academy Prepares Pinal County School Leaders for Sustained Success

Pinal County leaders and Center for the Future of Arizona launched the Beat The Odds (BTO) School Leadership Academy with an orientation session in late October. Twenty-five Pinal County community leaders are members of the 2019-2020 cohort.
The leaders have a specific focus on P-20 education and Workforce Pathways as an aligned system for the County. The cohort participants include seven districts, County Superintendent who is also a AZ State Board of Education member, Mayor who is also an Assistant Principal, Deputy Town Manager who is focused on workforce development for the County, County District Supervisor who is very focused on how education and economic development are inextricably linked, and Central Arizona College professor focused on teacher certification and shortages in their county.
The Pinal County BTO Academy cohort is a partnership with the Center for the Future of Arizona and seven Pinal County school districts, the Pinal County Superintendent with the Education Service Agency, the Mayor and Town Manager of Florence, County District Commissioner, and Central Arizona College leaders.
The Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) and Beat The Odds School Leadership Academy with the National Institute for School Leadership launched this job-embedded and research-based executive leadership development which focuses on strategic planning and systems design for education, community and workforce leaders across Pinal County. The cohort of leaders are collaborating to design education and workforce systems which meet the educational needs of ALL Pinal County youth, as well as their successful future in the Arizona workforce.
The Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) administers the Beat The Odds School Leadership Academy in Arizona and works with traditional public school districts, charter school networks, higher education and community leaders to provide executive leadership across the state. Beat The Odds School Leadership Academy is a partnership between CFA and NISL. The collaboration brings together CFA’s successful Arizona-based leadership program with NISL’s nationally recognized Executive Development Program for education and community leaders. Since 2007, CFA has provided training and mentoring to more than 200 school leaders.
The Beat The Odds School Leadership Academy delivers a rigorous executive development program for enrolled participants designed to enable education systems transformation. The results are better quality schools and better outcomes for all student learners in every community.
Beat The Odds Academy facilitators understand education in Arizona and are recognized in the field and are NISL certified. Facilitators include Rodel Exemplary Principals, National Blue Ribbon Principals, traditional public school district and charter school network leaders, A for Arizona leaders, Beat The Odds Mentors, A+ School of Excellence Principals and Teach for America alumni.