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Home News & Events New Arizona Voters’ Agenda Survey: Voters Concerned About Partisanship and Committed to Fair Election Participation

New Arizona Voters’ Agenda Survey: Voters Concerned About Partisanship and Committed to Fair Election Participation

New findings on election issues show broad support for equal access to voting and changes to the partisan primary system
Posted on September 16, 2024 • Category: News Release

As Arizona approaches the 2024 General Election, Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) has released new data from its latest Arizona Voters' Agenda survey. This survey is part of CFA’s ongoing initiative to center the voices of Arizonans during election season and highlight areas where likely voters agree across political and generational spectrums. The election issues findings reveal a motivated electorate that believes in the power of their vote, supports equal access to voting for all registered voters, and sees the need for reforms to the state’s partisan primary system. Amid concerns over political divisiveness and the future of democracy, the survey shows strong support in specific areas that could strengthen Arizona’s election system. 

“Elections are critical to ensuring that Arizonans' voices are heard and represented in the governance of our state,” said Dr. Sybil Francis, Chair, President & CEO of CFA. "Arizona’s likely voters are clearly expressing deep concern about the state of our democracy, but they remain energized and determined to participate in creating positive change. The data also show that voters support actions to strengthen election processes, like equal access to voting regardless of party affiliation and ensuring leaders represent a broader base of the electorate.”

The 2024 Arizona Voters' Agenda survey, conducted by CFA in collaboration with HighGround, Inc., an award-winning public opinion polling firm based in Arizona, reveals two key policy priorities that have surpassed CFA’s rigorous threshold for agreement to be deemed Voters’ Agenda items and central to the electorate’s expectations in this election cycle. Alongside these, the survey highlights additional voter insights that help build an understanding of the electorate's concerns and hopes for the future.

Elections are foundational to our democracy and critical to shaping Arizona’s future. In a political climate often dominated by divisive rhetoric, the Arizona Voters’ Agenda focuses on areas of majority consensus that can guide candidates, the media, and leaders toward productive conversations and real solutions. This initiative encourages voter engagement and promotes outcomes that Arizonans across the political spectrum want to see.

The 2024 Arizona Voters' Agenda has uncovered high levels of agreement among voters on critical issues, including election issues, water & environment, education, taxes & state spending, immigration, and housing. The research allows candidates to align their platforms with the issues that matter most to voters and offers a clear path forward for progress after the election.

As is often reflected in ongoing campaign rhetoric and media reports, opinions on the security and accuracy of Arizona’s elections are divided along partisan lines. However, despite this lack of consensus, 96% of voters overwhelmingly agree on the importance of ensuring that all registered voters have “equal access to voting regardless of party affiliation.” This includes 94% of Republicans, 96% of independent/unaffiliated voters, and 98% of Democrats.

More than three-quarters, 77%, of voters, including supermajorities of all political affiliations, agree with the statement, “We need to make changes to our primary system so we elect leaders who represent more than just a small segment of voters.” Voters believe the current system rewards extreme candidates who are not representative of broader voter interests. A majority of all voters, 59%, also agree that "both political parties are too ideologically extreme and should not have preferential treatment in our election system," further indicating dissatisfaction with the current process.

Additional insights show that eight in ten voters (80%) believe “our democracy is under threat and at risk for future generations.” While the electorate is uncertain about the future of democracy, it equally reflects a purpose in remaining engaged. In fact, 81% of voters believe that their “vote can change things for the better.” This belief is shared across political affiliations and age groups, signaling an energized and optimistic electorate. At the same time, 74% of voters report that it is "very easy" to participate in Arizona’s elections, while another 20% say it is "somewhat easy."

“The Arizona Voters’ Agenda speaks to the very concerns Arizonans have about our democracy and the polarization they see in politics. This election is a chance for candidates and leaders to engage the broader electorate and bring much-needed solutions to the forefront. By focusing on shared priorities, we can strengthen trust in our system and create a brighter future for Arizona,” concluded Dr. Francis.

As Arizonans prepare to begin voting and head to the polls, the 2024 Arizona Voters' Agenda points to critical questions for candidates and leaders to address. Regarding election issues, the agenda challenges candidates and leaders to consider: "How will you ensure that all voters, regardless of party affiliation, have equal access to voting?" and "What steps will you take to reform Arizona’s partisan primary system to ensure broader representation of the electorate?" Find more questions at

The 2024 Arizona Voters' Agenda - Election Issues
  All Voters
Policy Items Strong Support Total Support
Regardless of party affiliation, all voters - Democrat, Republican, independent, non-affiliated, or others registered - should have equal access to voting. 87% 96%
Our partisan primary system rewards the most extreme candidates who then need to keep their narrow base of primary voters satisfied while they are in office so they can get reelected. We need to make changes to our primary system, so we elect leaders who represent more than just a small segment of voters. 51% 77%

Political and age group breakdowns are available at

Looking Ahead: Upcoming Announcements from the Arizona Voters’ Agenda
The entire Arizona Voters’ Agenda of policy action items is now available on CFA’s website, along with resources for moderators, community leaders, and voters. In addition to election issues, this latest survey also queried voters on water & environment, education, taxes & state spending, and more. Over the next two weeks, CFA will share the findings and analysis across these topics, highlighting insights and big questions for candidates and leaders to address leading into the general election. The announcement schedule includes:

  • Sept. 16: Election Issues
  • Sept. 18: Water & Environment
  • Sept. 20: Education
  • Sept. 25: Taxes & State Spending

Visit for more details on the initiative and comprehensive survey information.

What Makes the Arizona Voters’ Agenda
The Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey covered many issues and topics, and some topics did not achieve the agreement levels needed to be included in the resulting Voters’ Agenda. To be included in the Arizona Voters’ Agenda, a majority of likely voters must show "strong" support for an issue, and majorities of every political and age segment must show "strong" or "somewhat strong" support. This ensures that the Arizona Voters' Agenda reflects true majority agreement across political and generational lines, with a threshold of 50% or above. Not all results meet this threshold, and the surveys also provide essential insights into voter perceptions that offer valuable context.

About the Surveys
The Arizona Voters’ Agenda is based on two public opinion surveys each election cycle. The second and most recent survey was conducted from August 5-13, 2024, among likely voters ahead of the general election. The first survey was conducted in March 2024, before the primary election. Each survey sampled 500 likely Arizona 2024 General Election voters with a history of electoral participation, balanced to model the likely turnout of voters across party, age, region, and gender. HighGround, Inc. conducted live interview surveys of voters in English and Spanish to landline and cell phone users. Based on previous election trends, the partisan advantage was set at +4% GOP. The margin of error is ±4.3%.

Survey Demographics:

This initiative is part of CFA's ongoing commitment to highlighting Arizona’s shared public values and bringing Arizonans together around a positive agenda based on where we agree on priorities to move the state forward and realize The Arizona We Want.

The 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda initiative is supported in part by the Arizona Community Foundation, Helios Education Foundation, Pivotal Foundation, Southern Arizona Leadership Council, and Thomas R. Brown Family Private Foundation.