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Home News & Events Business community can channel voters' voices to move Arizona forward

Business community can channel voters' voices to move Arizona forward

Posted on October 18, 2024 • Category: Op-Ed
By Sybil Francis, Ph.D., Chair, President & CEO, Center for the Future of Arizona

Phoenix Business Journal

The business community is among the most trusted and respected entities nationally, according to Pew Research, and this is no less true in Arizona. This places the business community and its leaders in a unique position to help lead our state forward. Public opinion survey research conducted by Center for the Future of Arizona can help inform and support the business community, providing insights into what matters most to Arizonans, and in this election year, to Arizona voters. Arizona’s business community—from our largest corporations to our small business owners —has a powerful opportunity to help lead and shape the future of our state by championing Arizona voters and what matters most to them. The issues included in the 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda on which 50% or more of voters across the political spectrum agree also happen to be ones that are critical to Arizona and our business community.

Built on public opinion surveys of likely voters across the political spectrum, the Arizona Voters’ Agenda offers a clear roadmap to the common ground on which Arizona can move forward on critical issues like education, planning and growth, immigration, environment, elections, and more.

The upcoming election will define Arizona’s path forward. For businesses, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Voters—your customers, employees, and neighbors—are expressing clear preferences on Arizona’s biggest challenges. Businesses have a unique opportunity to build on the public’s trust by acting as a bridge between voters and elected officials to ensure the voices of Arizonans are heard and reflected in policy.

Take education, for example. 85% believe that increasing postsecondary enrollment is essential for our state’s future. 77% of voters agree that Arizona needs more financial aid to support students pursuing higher education. These priorities reflect voters across the aisle and directly impact every sector’s ability to build and sustain a highly educated workforce. 

Similarly, voters are calling for action on other pressing issues, such as immigration and water. Nearly 90% of voters across the political spectrum support comprehensive immigration reform to ensure a functional border that facilitates both commerce and immigration. With 93% agreeing that more must be done to protect groundwater and long-term water supplies, voters see water security as fundamental to Arizona’s growth—an issue impacting agriculture to urban development. 

The business community, known for long-term planning and collaboration, is in a prime position to lead by example. Arizona voters want more planning for the state’s future, with  87% expressing a need for higher levels of planning to support Arizona’s expected growth and maintain quality of life. And 88% believe the state needs a long-term investment strategy to unlock its full potential. Businesses can drive this conversation with stakeholders and push for strategies that prepare Arizona for tomorrow’s opportunities and challenges.

Perhaps the most significant takeaway from the Voters’ Agenda is the desire to move away from partisanship and division. An overwhelming 91% of voters are concerned about the current level of divisiveness and partisanship in our political system, and nearly 60% agree that political parties have become too ideologically extreme. This growing dissatisfaction may explain why 62% prefer candidates who work across the aisle, and 77% support changes to partisan primaries to better represent all voters.

Businesses thrive on cooperation and partnership, and understand the value of working toward common goals. This moment calls for that same spirit in the public arena. The business community, with your practical approach and focus on results, can help bring people together by promoting collaboration and compromise over division.

We’re at a pivotal moment in Arizona’s history. The business community can build on its trusted role by championing the priorities of Arizonans and leveraging your leadership to ensure the state continues to thrive and create an even brighter future. The path is clear, and the time to act is now. Get the full Arizona Voters’ Agenda at

Sybil Francis, Ph.D., is chair, president & CEO of Center for the Future of Arizona, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that brings Arizonans together to create a stronger and brighter future for our state.