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Progress Infrastructure@2X


Arizona’s economic vibrancy and livability rely on a robust infrastructure.

What success looks like:


Arizonans enjoy access to safe and reliable energy, water, transportation, housing, and communications infrastructure that is built to meet future demand.

The Infrastructure Progress Meter reports on the overall status of infrastructure in rural and urban communities throughout the state.





Reliable Highway Travel Time

Phoenix (Previous Year)

Phoenix Area Travel Time Index

Measures the ratio of travel times in heavily congested periods as opposed to free-flow conditions.
Comparable MSA Travel Time Index
Federal Highways Administration National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS). Oct-Dec Average Ratio. Ratio of vehicle travel times in heavily congested periods as compared to free-flow conditions. (1.32 means a trip will take on average 32% longer during heavy congestion) (2017/2018)
Arizona (Previous Year)

Arizonan's Commute Time

Arizonan's Average Travel Time to Work in Minutes
US Census Bureau American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates (2019/2018)


Traffic Safety


Ranking of Highway Fatalities

Arizona's national ranking of highway fatalities among the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
National Ranking of Traffic Fatalities
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Highway Loss Data Institute. Arizona's National Ranking of Traffic Fatalities Among the Fifty States and the District of Columbia. (1 is lowest rate, 51 highest) (2020)
Arizona (Previous Year)

Highway Injuries

Shows the number of injuries per 100 million vehicle miles travelled.
Arizona Injuries Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Travelled
AZ Department of Transportation (2021/2020)

Bridge and Pavement Conditions

Shows the percentage of Arizona bridges in poor condition.
Percent of Arizona Bridges in Poor Condition
Federal Highway Administration. Percentage of bridges in a geography as sorted by owner that are in poor condition. (2020)

Interstate Conditions

Shows the percentage of Arizona interstate lane miles in poor condition.
Interstate Lane Miles in Poor Condition
Arizona Department of Transportation. Percentage of Lane Miles in poor condition. (2020)

Non Interstate Conditions

Shows the percentage of Arizona interstate lane miles in poor condition.
Non-Interstate Lane Miles in Poor Condition
Arizona Department of Transportation. Percentage of Lane Miles in poor condition. (2020)


Public Transportation


Public Transportation Ranking (Phoenix)

Shows national ranking of public transit in Arizona's cities.
City of Phoenix National Ranking of Cities over 250,000 Population (N=75)
Ranking based upon the AllTransit Performance Score from the Center for Neighborhood Technology, AllTransitTM (N=Number of cities in this category) Phoenix and Tucson compared with US cities population 250,000 or greater. Flagstaff and Yuma compared with Arizona cities less than 100,000 population. (2022)

Public Transportation Ranking (Tucson)

Shows national ranking of public transit in Arizona's cities.
City of Tucson National Ranking of Cities over 250,000 Population (N=75)
Ranking based upon the AllTransit Performance Score from the Center for Neighborhood Technology, AllTransitTM (N=Number of cities in this category) Phoenix and Tucson compared with US cities population 250,000 or greater. Flagstaff and Yuma compared with Arizona cities less than 100,000 population. (2022)

Public Transportation Ranking (Flagstaff)

Shows national ranking of public transit in Arizona's cities.
City of Flagstaff Ranking of Arizona Cities Under 100,000 Population (N=23)
Ranking based upon the AllTransit Performance Score from the Center for Neighborhood Technology, AllTransitTM (N=Number of cities in this category) Phoenix and Tucson compared with US cities population 250,000 or greater. Flagstaff and Yuma compared with Arizona cities less than 100,000 population. (2022)

Public Transportation Ranking (Yuma)

Shows national ranking of public transit in Arizona's cities.




Percent of Rural Arizonans with No Broadband Access

Shows the percentage of rural and urban Arizonans who do not have access to broadband internet.
Percent Rural Arizonans Who Do Not Have Access to Broadband
Federal Communications Commission. Percentage of population without access to ground-based broadband with speeds of at least 25Mbps upload and 3Mbps download. (2019)

Percent of Urban Arizonans with No Broadband Access

Shows the percentage of rural and urban Arizonans who do not have access to broadband internet.
Percent Urban Arizonans Who Do Not Have Access to Broadband
Federal Communications Commission. Percentage of population without access to ground-based broadband with speeds of at least 25Mbps upload and 3Mbps download. (2019)


Alternative Fuel Vehicles


Alternative Fuel Vehicles (Electric Alternative)

A count of alternative fuel vehicles registered in Arizona.
Count of Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Arizona
(Electric Alternative)
Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles. Point-in-time registered vehicles are the number registered as of June 30 of the given year. System updates in 2020 now include all vehicles registered, rather than only those who updated registrations in the prior year, resulting in about two times the numbers of 2019 and before. (2022)

In Development

US/Mexico Border

Border Wait Time